Yoga benefits and good health

Posted On Sep 6 2019 by

Everything about yoga training, this appears like a popular topic in 2019. Stress is high, life is fast, big problems clouds our mind and yoga seems the perfect answer. What is Yoga? Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago. Sri Patanjali wrote the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali around the second century BCE and is said to have called himself simply a “compiler of yoga principles” from ancient Vedic texts. Sutras means threads, or philosophical guidelines. Patanjali describes yoga as chitta vritti nirodha, which roughly translates to “you are in a state of yoga when you can still the mind …

Watch nerds teaching blog

Posted On Jul 11 2019 by

A little history of watches and some tips for buying the perfect watch. 1858 Geosphere Limited Edition, 42mm bronze case, dark green woven fabric Nato strap. If you’re jaded with watch cases in brushed steel, white/rose/red gold, titanium, ceramic, carbon fibre et al, take a look at this adventurous offering from Montblanc in bronze. Inspired by the spirit of early 20th century mountaineering, the 1858 Geosphere Limited Edition is dedicated to the Seven Summits climbing challenge to conquer Earth’s highest peaks; and only 1,858 of this model will be manufactured. Beneath its rose gold hands, the outdoors-friendly khaki dial displays …

How to and not to lose weight advices

Posted On Jul 4 2019 by

Huge weight is a big concern and everyone should watch it but also avoid risky diets. Here are some weight loss guides for safe weight loss. When you can’t stand to do one more rep or minute on the treadmill, tell the gym how you really feel with some well-chosen profanity. That’s right: Cursing might just help you get healthier. In one 2018 study published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise, swearing increased an athlete’s power and strength during a workout. A little ginger in your meal plan could result in some major weight loss. That’s because, according …

Self-Care routines

Posted On Jun 29 2019 by

Self confidence is very important in this 2019 world full of speed and stress. It’s true what they say: breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. But, why? Well, you need to energy if you want to tackle the ambitious goals that you’ve set for yourself, so a balanced breakfast should always be part of your morning routine. I always like to think of my body like I think about a car. If I noticed that I was almost out of gas before I set off from home, I’d rush to the nearest gas station to fill …