Casino poker advices is the topic of the day. Back that big betting up with strong cards, and you’re in the money. Other players will soon be folding to your premium opening pairs, and you’ll find yourself with much better chances of taking down monster pots. If there’s one thing poker aficionados know it’s this: aggressive betting increases the size of poker pots. Think of it this way: If you’ve got a great opening hand, the best way to drain the table dry is by forcing other players to go all in against you. This is when poker games get really exciting!
Elite poker players apply the same winning strategy over and over again, no matter how they feel or what their recent results have been. Poker is a long-term game. You need time to build your bankroll and find the right strategy that works for you. You should not change your strategy after a big win or a big loss (here’s why). If you really feel like your approach needs to change, make sure you read Nathan Williams’ Handling the Ups and Downs of Low Stakes Poker first. Always Have a Reason: Big-time winning poker players will sometimes break from their standard, successful strategies, but always for obvious reasons. An average player might start raising 9-7–suited in early position because he is bored or wants to make something happen. An elite poker player will raise with this hand in this position on occasion because he notices the table is playing passively and there are a couple of recreational players in the blinds. There is a clear reason then to believe that raising 9-7–suited in early position (typically a fold under normal circumstances) might be a profitable play in this situation.
Fast-Play Your Strong Hands to Build the Pot and Make More Money: It’s a sad sight when a player checks their flopped nut flush three times, and then has to awkwardly table their monster of a poker hand when their opponent checks back the river. Slow-playing too often is a mistake common among players who are afraid of chasing their opponents out of the pot when they have a strong poker hand. In most cases, it’s best to bet your strong hands to build the pot and protect your equity. That’s not to say you should always bet/raise your strong hands post-flop. You can check your strong hands if: It’s unlikely that you will be outdrawn. There aren’t many scare cards to prevent you from getting paid on later streets. Your opponent’s range is heavily weighted toward hands with no showdown value.
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Namun, ketika Anda merasa tidak pasti, bertaruh saja (atau periksa kenaikan gaji jika Anda bukan agresor preflop). Ya, itu mengecewakan ketika lawan Anda terlipat, tetapi itu tidak hampir sama mengecewakannya dengan menjadi ketinggalan zaman atau kehilangan nilai potensial. Lihat infografis ini untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang konsep dasar poker bermain cepat vs bermain lambat. The big blind adalah posisi khusus karena Anda sudah memiliki 1 blind besar yang diinvestasikan dalam pot. Untuk alasan ini, setiap kali Anda dihadapkan dengan kenaikan gaji sambil duduk di blind besar, Anda akan memiliki peluang lebih baik untuk menelepon daripada posisi lain – anggap itu sebagai diskon. Karena diskon Anda dan fakta bahwa Anda adalah orang terakhir yang bertindak preflop, Anda dapat dengan menguntungkan menelepon dengan lebih banyak tangan daripada jika Anda duduk di posisi lain.