Erich von Werner Society and Behavioral Capitalism

Posted On Oct 31 2019

Behavioural Capitalism is a version of capitalism in which human behaviour becomes the central factor for the production and provision of goods and services. The accumulation of power can no longer hide behind the mechanisms of the new, but is clearly visible in the light. A necessity, because an unbridled and unbridled behavioral capitalism is even more dangerous than an angry financial capitalism, because it needs not only capital, but man as a whole to harvest. Anytime, any day. Yes, the phenomenon was palpable. Now it finds its analysis and order. Behavioural Capitalismmust therefore be identified and interpreted in order to be able to deal with it self-confidently and positively.The wild horse needs dressage, otherwise it will go through at the end.

Behaviour means acting, tolerating as well as not acting. The processes can be conscious or unconscious. It is influenced and produced by stimuli. All of this may sound terribly abstract, but on closer inspection, behavior has always been used as a raw material, though not always so. We do not want to refer to the sale of indulgences in the Middle Ages, but to the insurance industry. It is aprime example of how the behaviour of the customer, often in the person of the representative, is researched, then evaluated by the company, and finally used to improve existing products, i.e. insurance, and to create new services. Only in this way were creative developments such as safeguarding one’s own death conceivable. Since these are immaterial, i.e. intangible goods, the behaviour of interested parties and customers is of outstanding importance. You can see this Video explaining what Behavioral Capitalism is.

Behavioral Capitalism concept was created by Andreas Herteux, a german economist, philosopher, publicist and author. Andreas Herteux founded Erich von Werner Society , a group dedicated to constantly analyze the global situation, arrange it, prepares it and designs appropriate models as well as theories for the representation of the reality. The Erich von Werner Society makes a significant contribution to the understanding of current and future world events. Extra info on Andreas Herteux, Erich von Werner Society and Behavioral Capitalism.

Behavioural Capitalismis basedon the raw material and production factor behaviour, which is created by the reaction of the individual to stimuli. He must first win this by skimming. There have always been such attempts, but it was the technological progress driven by the change of times that made automated harvesting in large quantities possible.

The presentation of this development was deliberately neutral, as it entails both opportunities and risks. The embedding of the individual in his own world, which serves his own fulfilment of needs and self-realisation, is at first not negative, especially since this does not have to be designed in a closed way. On the other hand, of course, there is a central world of who ultimately controls the stimuli and the data and whether the behavior or even one’s own reality is manipulated. This, like the model of behavioral capitalism, is now to be released for discussion. You can buy the book on Amazon : Behavioral Capitalism on Amazon – Direct Link(no affiliate).

The Erich von Werner Society believes that the society is entering a new era. These changes are because of or are accelerated by factors, which in combination and interaction with each other will trigger a new era: Change of the environment (e.g. due to climate change, resource exploitation, environmental degradation). Some of the world’s most urgent problems : Malaria: Malaria is a major health risk in tropical, developing countries, such as Kenya and the Congo. Approximately 3.2 billion individuals are vulnerable to Malaria – this is half of the world’s population. Young children are the most susceptible, and about 445,000 people died from Malaria in 2016. The number of hungry people in the world has increased over the last few years. One in nine people in the world habitually go hungry, and, as a result, suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Food security is the biggest threat to the overall health of the human population, more so that malaria, tuberculosis or HIV.

Last Updated on: November 1st, 2019 at 1:48 pm, by

Written by Patrick Moreau