Animal communicator provider

Posted On Nov 27 2019

Looking for Canine massage services in Denver? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). She also serves as a dog care and enrichment volunteer for Freedom Service Dogs, helping ease kennel stress by providing energy healing and massage, along with play time, puzzles and grooming.

Stimulating the muscles and tissues of the body increases circulation and this improved blood flow brings healing. Increased circulation allows more oxygen to reach the tissues and if there are any wounds, inside or outside of the body, this oxygen will promote faster, more comfortable healing. Massage has also been shown to improve range of motion and lower the heart rate. This also relieves muscle spasms and reduces toxic compounds like lactic acid, which cause pain and discomfort.

While most adult humans communicate verbally, animals communicate in a silent language. This type of communication is called telepathy, which means mentally sending and receiving messages with no use of sensory channels or physical interaction. It involves the direct transmission of feelings, emotions, intentions, thoughts, mental images, impressions, sensations and more. In this kind of communication you do not read body language or make guesses based on behavior. Animals are masters of telepathic communication. They speak to each other in this manner, and also attempt to speak to humans in the same way. Read extra details at Animal Psychic Communication.

A session of Reiki for dogs is a bit different. For starters, dogs aren’t usually apt to hop up on a massage table and lie quietly on their back for an hour. They may also prefer to receive Reiki from a distance, like across the room, rather than have the practitioner touch them. A good way to start is for the practitioner to sit on the floor with the dog in the room. Invite the dog to share in the Reiki session if the dog so desires.

Once the dog has absorbed all of the energy it feels it needs, it will walk away. Often, in my experience, before walking away, the dog will give me a sign of affection as a way to say, “Thank you”. This has usually taken the form of a ‘nose nuzzle’, ‘love lick’ or ‘love nibble’. Of course, I miss out on all the wonderful dog nuzzles, licks of affection and nibbles if I’m providing the Reiki session remotely. When I perform an in-person Reiki session, I will ask the client to have their dog in their most relaxing or favorite room. I want to make sure their dog is comfortable, relaxed and familiar with their surroundings. They don’t need to hold their dog in place or force them to stay on a bed or table. The Reiki energy will flow throughout their dog no matter where they are in the room. Often, they will lie beside me and allow me to gently move or place my hands over various parts of their body.

Reiki Energy Healing Helps Bring Peace to Percy and his Family. When 2-year old Percy wasn’t acting like his usual self, his owner wasn’t sure what was going on. After finding out from the vet that he had health issues, she wanted to check in with her dog to help him relax and heal. “Gillian Edwards is an amazing animal healer and communicator! I asked for her help with my 2-year old dog Percy and I was astounded with her ability to articulate his personality and help our family understand him on a deeper level. He is my brave little knight in white armor! Gillian also conducted a healing session for Percy and I could see the relief and calm she brought to him. Thank you Gillian, for helping Percy and our family heal together!” Source:

Last Updated on: December 11th, 2019 at 2:50 pm, by

Written by Marie Poppins