Experience Ancient Wisdom at Our Ayurvedic Clinic

Posted On Dec 28 2023

Ayurveda: The Art of Living Well, Naturally: Vaidya Madhu’s contributions to the Ayurvedic community are further exemplified in his role as the current chairman of the Nepal Traditional Ayurvedic Medical Practitioner’s Association. His leadership in this position reflects his commitment to preserving and advancing Ayurveda in Nepal and beyond, solidifying his status as a respected figure in the realm of traditional medicine. In addition to his clinical work, Vaidya Madhu is also a passionate educator, striving to disseminate Ayurvedic knowledge through teaching, training programs, and seminars. His efforts extend to nurturing the next generation of practitioners and enthusiasts, ensuring that the wisdom of Ayurveda remains vibrant and accessible. Find more info at Revitalize Your Life at Our Traditional Ayurvedic Clinic.

Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life.” Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.” It stems from the ancient Vedic culture and was taught for many thousands of years in an oral tradition from accomplished masters to their disciples. Some of this knowledge was set to print a few thousand years ago, but much of it is inaccessible. The principles of many of the natural healing systems now familiar in the West have their roots in Ayurveda, including Homeopathy and Polarity. Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs.

Our approaches have been effective in treating Metastatic conditions and bolstering Immune system health. Moreover, the scope of Ayurvedic treatment extends far beyond these mentioned conditions. Our experience and expertise allow us to address almost all health issues, offering patients a comprehensive and natural path to recovery and well-being. Our clinic stands as a testament to the enduring power and relevance of Ayurvedic medicine in contemporary healthcare.

It’s important to discuss any Ayurvedic treatments that you use with your doctor. Women who are pregnant or nursing, or people who are thinking of using Ayurvedic therapy to treat a child, should consult their healthcare provider. It is important to make sure that any diagnosis of a disease or condition has been made by a healthcare provider who has substantial conventional medical training and experience with managing that disease or condition. While Ayurveda can have positive effects when used as a complementary therapy in combination with standard, conventional medical care, it should not replace standard, conventional medical care, especially when treating serious conditions.

Oja is the Ayurvedic term for the blood sugar. It is greasy and has the nature of sweetness. The blood sugar, whenever is counteracted with the physical properties of astringent taste, loses its greasiness. Because the drying effect of the astringent taste is counteractive to the grease. The greaseless blood sugar can not be assimilated for the nourishment of the bodily tissues and separated from the bodily fluid. In this condition, it dissolves easily in the bodily fluid and elevates the sweet urine. This is the fundamental cause of diabetes. The greaseless blood sugar is similar to the nature of honey, which has the counteracting effect of grease. Therefore, Madhumeha, honey like sweet urine is the Ayurvedic name for diabetes.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, each person’s constitution is made up of three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. You can think of doshas as energy types: each of these doshas is believed to dictate your emotional strengths and weaknesses, the foods your body needs and wants, the exercises that might work the best for you and more. Ayurvedic practitioners seek to help you find a balance among all three doshas. When the doshas are out of balance, illness occurs. The Ayurvedic practitioner uses nutrition, stress management, exercise and sometimes herbs to help a person regain health and balance.

The main cause of general arthritis is the poor blood circulation which is common to the person with nerve natured body type. Ayurveda indicates that the proper function of the artery system regulates and controls the function of the nervous system and the poor function of the artery system aggravates the function of the nervous system. The aggravated or overactive nervous system causes dryness counteracting the bodily grease. In this condition, the synovial mucous membrane which is considered as a lubricating substance of the joints, becomes inactive. That, in fact, is the cause of the problems of general arthritis effecting any weak joints concerned with injury, impact ot constant uses.

Time has passed in the wave of history, and the glory of Ayurveda, no doubt, is badly affected by natural and human disasters. The intellectual schools run by the renowned Rishis and Munis remained only in the domestic families of Vaidyas. Many valuable manuscripts mentioned in the different Ayurvedic schools have disappeared. Divine plants used for long life and good health are eradicated. Many renowned families of specialized Vaidyas could not stand to run their traditions, Besides all these negative conditions, the positive value of Ayurveda is not affected as yet, because, the principle of Ayurveda is based on the universal truth. And Ayurveda is an intellectual gift of ancient human civilization. See more info on https://www.ayurvedicclinic.net/clinic/.

Last Updated on: January 9th, 2024 at 10:42 am, by

Written by John Concrane