Top celebrity books to look at 2020

Posted On Apr 28 2020

Top 3 thriller books to know in 2020? Babes in the Wood: On 10 October 1986, the bodies of two young girls were found in a Brighton park. The girls were nine-year-olds Nicola Fellows and Karen Hadaway who had gone out to play the day before and not returned home. Evidence mounted against a local man Russell Bishop, but a shock trial result saw him walk free. Three years later, Graham Bartlett was working for Brighton CID when a seven-year-old was abducted and left to die. She survived, and connections were made to Russell Bishop. Will the police put him away this time? With unique access to the officers involved in the investigation, former senior detective Graham Bartlett and bestselling author Peter James tell the fascinating inside story of what became a thirty-two year fight for justice.

A dark and mysterious thriller about family secrets. Gwendollyn is the only survivor of a mass poisoning that has killed her entire extended family all at once. As she finds herself trapped in a comatose state, she has only one certainty of who committed the crimes: her beloved sister Estella. Now Gwendolyn must seek her memory and try to remember the events that led up to the deadly dinner and find out what lead Estella to commit such a hideous act.

Mocienne Petit Jackson’s (Michael Jackson’s daughter) books are now available in Spanish! Slowly but surely Mocienne reaches the conclusion that the mafia played and still play a large and destructive role in his (and her) life. It should also be noted that his family, especially his mother and father, is to blame for many things. To date Mocienne has received no cooperation from the Jackson family in order to have a DNA test done so as to conclusively prove that she truly is Michael’s daughter. Discover even more info at Best thriller book 2020.

The bestselling author of The Chalk Man is back with yet another gripping thriller centered on a man desperately searching for his missing daughter whom no one else believes is alive. Although Gabe’s wife and 5-year-old child were both identified as victims of murder, he remains convinced that not only his daughter is still alive, but that he saw her in a stranger’s car on the night of the horrific incident. He’ll stop at nothing until he uncovers the truth—even when it puts him in the crosshairs of some dangerous people.

Ms Jackson also claims that her father had a tendency to exhibit unusual behaviour which she believes may have arisen from the knowledge that he had kept his daughter in secret since the age of seventeen years. Michael Jackson allegedly did not discuss the topic openly because it was difficult and frightening for him to come to terms with. Mocienne Petit Jackson’s Thriller autobiographies were published in 2015 and were made available on Amazon in 2018. They are also currently available for purchase through Kobo. The books are available in English, Dutch, and Chinese. Future versions of the books will be made available in French (2020), Portuguese (2019), Japanese (2020), German (2020), and in Spanish (2020). Discover extra info on Michael Jackson daughter.

The fourth book in Joe Ide’s IQ series sounds like his weirdest one yet. In Hi Five, IQ is tasked with figuring out who murdered the boyfriend of an arms dealer’s daughter. The catch is that only the daughter saw what happen — but she has five different personalities, and each one holds a different piece of the puzzle. C.J. Tudor, the author of The Chalk Man, returns with The Other People, the story of a man on a mission to get his daughter back. Three years after his daughter’s kidnapping, Gabe still travels the road she was taken on in hope of finding answers. Meanwhile, Fran and Alice travel that same road, but they’re on the run because they know the truth about what happened to Gabe’s little girl.

Last Updated on: May 9th, 2020 at 3:57 pm, by

Written by Marie Poppins