Find holistic healing and mindfulness therapy by Healerly holistic wellness marketplace

Posted On Nov 6 2020

Search holistic healing therapy by Healerly holistic wellness marketplace? The Shamatha Project was a breakthrough investigation about the psychological benefits of meditation. Based on it, a journal on cognitive enhancement published research where scientists Anthony Zanesco and Clifford Saron, Ph.D. in Psychology, proved that continued meditation practices and retreats improved attention and cognition significantly. The study was conducted in two phases at the Shambhala Mountain Center, Colorado, and involved 60 regular meditators on whom the effect of intensive practice was studied. The revelations of the investigation were impactful and drew the attention of veteran Buddhist monks, meditators, and scientists all over the world, including the Dalai Lama himself, and provided storing evidence of how the three-month rigorous meditation retreats improved perception and self-worth in the participants.

Want to get some of the benefits of exercise by sitting in one place? Researchers have found that both mindfulness and Transcendental Meditation improve your cardiovascular health and reduce your risk of heart disease. Do you get sick more often than you would like? Believe it or not, a variety of different types of meditation, from mindfulness to yoga, have been shown to strengthen the human immune system and make you more resistant to viruses and infections.

Simply select your chosen category and find relevant healers, events, activities & meet-ups in your chosen location. Find contact information, connect with your preferred healer, and discuss your healing needs. We are always searching for passionate healers to join our community and help us reduce the amount of suffering in the world. Select “ADD LISTING” to promote your mental healing services, event, activities, or meetups. Healerly is free for the time being, making holistic healing and mindfulness available to the masses, no matter your age or circumstances. Read additional information at Healerly Holistic Wellness Marketplace.

Don’t Leap the SWOT – You must complete a review on yourself in all aspects of your life to discover the forces, flaws, possibilities, and threats you face for any of the target problems you want to address. For instance, if you make a SWOT and apprehend that you’re not so great at something, you then have a decision. You can hire someone to do it for you or get training learning how to do it. It is, in other words, highly adaptable. This suggests that if you don’t sense that you are getting very much by working at a particular level (for instance, analyzing the general difficulties that the company or group faces), you may need to stop and dig down in more detail a particular area instead.

A review study last year at Johns Hopkins looked at the relationship between mindfulness meditation and its ability to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and pain. Researcher Madhav Goyal and his team found that the effect size of meditation was moderate, at 0.3. If this sounds low, keep in mind that the effect size for antidepressants is also 0.3, which makes the effect of meditation sound pretty good. Meditation is, after all an active form of brain training. “A lot of people have this idea that meditation means sitting down and doing nothing,” says Goyal. “But that’s not true. Meditation is an active training of the mind to increase awareness, and different meditation programs approach this in different ways.” Meditation isn’t a magic bullet for depression, as no treatment is, but it’s one of the tools that may help manage symptoms.

Since 2019, Healerly has made quick and easy to join a caring community of holistic healers and fellow sufferers who understand what you’re going through on every level. We fuse the collective powers of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, among many other wellness services, to help you heal and thrive, no matter your age or what you’re going through. Consider Healerly your one-stop wellness marketplace for complete mental healing services, a place where you can find local community events, activities, meetups, and groups. Healerly proves you’re never alone, with 24/7 access to a support system of people who care. Truly care. We are devoted to doing right by our people, including our own employees and you as our clients and friends. We keep everyone in our global family in-the-loop with our every move, keeping you on the right track towards healing. Read more info on

Last Updated on: November 21st, 2020 at 9:43 am, by

Written by Marian Vasilescu