Real estate property and luxury apartments experts Istanbul, Turkey 2024

Posted On Aug 7 2024

Best rated real estate luxury apartments investment experts Istanbul: A palace with a direct view of the Bosphorus! The importance of the Bosphorus Strait has been recognized since ancient times, with the finest luxurious palaces situated on both ends of this pass that separates Europe from Asia. The Topkapı Palace, the largest palace overlooking the entrance of the Bosphorus, symbolises the Ottoman caliphate’s glory in a strategically significant location. Why the Bosphorus and what is its symbolism? The idea of owning a historic palace with a direct view of the Bosphorus is extremely bold and particularly rare. You would be surprised to know that a budget of 20 million dollars is considered relatively average for owning a beautiful palace on the Bosphorus. The rarity of these palaces and their historical prestige are among the main reasons for their high prices. Additionally, their spaciousness surely contributes to the price escalation. They are more suitable as luxurious hotels rather than residential properties, but for enthusiasts of this experience, there are offers in the Turkish real estate market starting from around 20 million dollars, reaching upwards of 100 million dollars. Read extra details at Istanbul real estate.

And we belief in the role of real estate companies in providing the right information for those interested in real estate investment and the spread of investment awareness about Turkish real estate, that’s why our company Extra Property publishes educational articles about ownership in Turkey and the most important information that the owner needs during the ownership or investment in Turkey. In this article, we will highlight the most widespread misinformation about real estate in Turkey.

Let’s start immediately with the advantages of Right Home and talk about them in detail: The principle of work of real estate marketing companies in Istanbul is the well-known principle of mediation in any field of trade or services, where the broker is given a specific commission from the seller in the case that the deal is completed on the condition that the customer receives the same price without any increasing. Thus, if the customer decides to buy the property himself or with a real estate marketing company, the price will be the same, only the customer will lose the services of the marketing company before, during and after the sale, which is very important, especially if the customer is interested in obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Right Home is a leading company specializing in real estate consultancy and brokerage. We help buyers to buy and sellers to sell. We provide luxury apartments, smart homes, elegantly designed offices, modern constructions and all consultancy services. Our head office located in Istanbul, Turkey. We are dedicated to giving you the very best experience finding the Right Home! We have a team of real estate consultants, who are available for you for any needs that might arise. For a closer look at the glory of the Ottoman Empire, you should go to Topkapi Palace during your trip to Istanbul. Topkapi Palace was built in the 15th century. Mehmed the Conqueror ordered the construction of the palace in 1459. At first, the palace was named Yeni Saray, or the New Palace. Before this palace, the Sultan used to live in the Old Palace in Beyazit Square. The name was changed to Topkapi Palace in the 19th century. Topkapi means canon gate. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1923, Topkapi Palace was turned into a museum in 1924. The palace, occupying a vast area of around 592,600 to 700,000 m2, has hundreds of rooms and chambers, but not all of these rooms are accessible for tourists. Only some of the most important ones are open to the public.

A successful investment in real estate is a sensitive and complex process. You should not take it lightly or rely on incomplete experiences of others. Every property in Turkey has an appropriate price, but the lack of sufficient information with the sales representative makes them evaluate projects with incorrect criteria. However, what matters to you as an investor is choosing the property that suits you and your plan. Certainly, there are better projects than others when viewed from this perspective. If you have reached this point in this relatively long article, we would like to thank you on behalf of the Right Home company’s team. We are very interested in conscious investors who are genuinely interested in obtaining accurate information, no matter how much time and effort it takes.

Undoubtedly, a big lure for investors with their eye on the bottom line are the mega projects of Istanbul that when complete are predicted to raise property values even more than they have done already. The mega project on everyone’s lips at the moment is the new Istanbul third airport that when complete in 2028, will be the world’s transport hub. Investors are also buying up land and houses on the European side where the Istanbul Canal project will take place. Districts like Kucukcekmece are seeing a flurry of interest for value for money apartments for sale in Istanbul, because of the project that will create a mini city within a city.

Istanbul travel is one of the top reasons to invest in Turkey. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is Istanbul’s most famous site and is the top thing to do in Istanbul. A visit to the city would not be complete without laying eyes on its beauty. It’s known by its more common name, The Blue Mosque because of the blue tiles surrounding the walls of its interior. It is still a functioning mosque but visitors can enter if they follow the rules. Long pants should be worn and women must have their shoulders and heads covered. Located in the old city, it’s the perfect way to start your day before moving on to the other sights nearby.

The lack of knowledge among the old investors led them to offer their real estate for resale at low prices because of their first choice of non-investment real estate at the beginning when buying it, and also their choice of wrong timing in selling the real estate, and thus the absence of demand made them believe that the problem was in the asking price, and therefore they reduced the price several times so that the property would eventually be bought by an expert investor. Less than its real price, sometimes by 50%, just to wait for the market to stabilize so that it can collect a profit of 50%, even without renting the property, only by reselling it later at its correct price.

The People’s Park is meticulously designed with a focus on environmental sustainability, incorporating water conservation, recycling measures, and the utilization of native plant species. Benefits: The project’s principal goal is to furnish a natural sanctuary for travelers and airport visitors. It provides an atmosphere of serenity, fresh air, and scenic beauty, enhancing the overall quality of life and offering a healthier and more joyful environment. It should be acknowledged that the People’s Park Project at Ataturk Airport may be subject to alterations and further developments, with designs and facilities possibly adapting to future demands and prerequisites.

Tips related to types of investment properties: Residential apartments typically have shorter investment cycles compared to commercial units. It’s not always a good idea to invest in a commercial unit in a project under construction with the intent to sell upon completion, but this strategy can work for residential apartments within the same project. Commercial units usually require less time to reach their peak price, making it easier for investors to exit their investments. However, villas are generally not considered for investment, unless they provide a high rental yield initially and the investor is willing to wait for a specific buyer interested in that particular villa.

What are the profit rates for real estate investors in Istanbul through Right Home? When our real estate consultant over the phone explains the areas of Istanbul, how to invest, the best projects in each area, and the best options in each project, the customer becomes aware of the investment mechanism and how to profit in the Turkish real estate market, and when the customer meets when he comes to Istanbul immediately with the sales representative of Right Home, he will immediately feel that every second of his time is being used correctly and only projects that are suitable for his request and that achieve high returns on investment are offered to him.

Last Updated on: August 22nd, 2024 at 9:06 am, by

Written by John Concrane