Top rated single mailbox for all email ids providers right now

Posted On Mar 24 2022

Easy to use single mailbox solutions right now? I had been eying Mutant Mail for some time. The notice that Google is suddenly to start charging for custom domains on legacy accounts gave me the push to try Mutant Mail. It turned out to be an excellent purchase, Easy to set-up and with a ton of well-thought out extra functionality including a powerful Rules module. See even more information on how to reply with a forwarded email outlook. Ever wanted to forward your emails to multiple recipient? Well now you can. And with our Enriched routing, your brand/domain identity is maintained when email is replied from either of them.

Does this mean that I could potentially cancel my G-Suite subscription, as I mainly use it for my business email anyways, and instead, I can just use mutant mail and still have my emails go out from my domain. Yes, your understanding is correct. You can use Mutant Mail to send, receive and reply to your domain’s(one or many) emails from any control/recipient/destination Inbox (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Yandex, Hey, Office365 anything). The only condition is since Mutant Mail doesn’t store any emails by itself, you need to have a destination inbox outside of the Mutant Mail system (can be anything), where your emails will be stored. You will receive all your domain’s email on your destination inbox, and when you reply, it will go as your domain’s email instead of that control inbox to your recipient. If you are still on the fence, give our free plan a shot.

Use Feedback loop and monitor bounce: Email marketers have to be careful not to let their campaigns fall into the spam trap. One of the few things you can do to help avoid this is using a feedback loop and monitoring bounce rates. Bounce rates are a good indicator of whether or not your email is being delivered to the correct address. If you’re seeing high bounce rates, it’s likely that your email is being flagged as spam. Bounce are of two types, Hard bounce and Spam bounce . Hard bounce means the email was attempted to be delivered to a non-existing email address. These are the worst kind of bounce and a meager <2% of hard bounce is enough to ruin your sending reputation.

Does Mutant Mail Work with only Gmail as recipient or other emails work too? Mutant Mail works with any and every Email ID as their recipient email id. Including but not limited to Gmail, hotmail, yahoo, outlook, yandex, self hosted email etc. Only requirement for Recipient email id is, it should exist outside the Mutant Mail system. As it will need to hold all your emails. Can I send an email as well from my domains associated with Mutant Mail? Of course you can. But remember, our primary focus is to focus on the reply system instead of send system. As monitor and reply is the main hassle with owning so many email ids. And that's exactly what we are trying to solve.

Overall, using an email id with Mutant Mail is a great way to add an extra layer of security and privacy to your email communications. Email id associated with Mutant Mail are easier to remember than complex email addresses with plus signs. Most people prefer to use simple usernames for email ids over complex email addresses (with plus sign trick) because it's easier to remember and they don't look complex. Email IDs on Mutant Mail help protect your privacy by hiding your true email address from potential spammers and hackers. For example, if you have an email id like '', it's easy for a hacker to send spam to this address because spammers will know your true email address ( But on Mutant Mail emails will become, which will be managed by, but will not be shown anywhere. Thus, spammers can never find your real email id. Discover more info at

What do you mean by allowed domain, email ids, recipient email ids and disable catch all. I am bit confused with these terms. We are glad you asked about clarity on these terms. Mutant Mail works at the Domain level, through MX, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. 10 Domains: It will mean you can integrate up to 10 custom domains in your Mutant Mail account. You may have a website on them or not. Your existing website doesn’t get disturbed, we only handle emails for them. 50 email ids: It means you can have up to 50 email ids created on the above domains, that are integrated with Mutant Mail.

Last Updated on: April 10th, 2022 at 9:27 am, by

Written by Patrick Moreau