Free comment system for WordPress and other CMS

Posted On Dec 3 2019

JointComments is a Disqus alternative, a free comment software for WordPress and non CMS websites. Adding a comment plugin to your website has a lot benefits, and we will talk about them in this post.

A comments section is an excellent place for building these kinds of relationships with influencers. If you get to the end of an article, you may be thinking, “Hey, this person forgot to mention this point, but I have some thoughts on that.” Adding in a helpful comment or linking back to another article can spread the conversation. It can connect you with others (or with the blogger) in a bigger way. It’s not that linking back to another blog or website is bad. Sometimes people do it because they’ve written something related to the topic and they think it addresses something missed in the post. But when it’s done just to drive traffic, it’s spam. Moderating these comments is much more difficult. It takes a lot of time to filter the manual spam ones out from all the other normal comments.

On the other hand, many publishers still argue the case for keeping blog comments. With no clear consensus from the content marketing community, how are you supposed to decide what to do with the comments on your own blog? Particularly when you are inundated by tons of spammy or low-quality comments? How to Decide Whether or Not to Disable Comments: We believe in doing what is best for our users, even if that means some extra time, effort or expense. At the same time, we also believe in making smart, data-driven decisions–and helping you to make those decisions–so that you can spend your resources wisely.

Blogging evolved as a platform for people to express what they have to say. And as any conversation goes, blogging is almost always two-sided. Most of the popular blogs have comments enabled, and they use various platforms to deal with managing them. Even Seth Godin, the master marketer who does not allow comments on his popular blog, says comments are terrific. Comments often help blogs build a community. So when you are considering what to do about this crucial topic, you ought to pay some attention to what I have to say.

JOINT Token Rewards: JOINT is a tradable cryptocurrency which works on Ethereum blockchain. JOINT also the fuel of Joint Comments platform. Acquire traffic from other publishers. Reward your team members & writers. Hold it to get future profit from Joint Comments. Platform Features: Manage multiple websites in one dashboard, Embed anywhere (websites, static pages, ecommerce), Invite your team members as moderators, Define upvote & comment limits, Customize the widget colors and widget position, See stats of your community. Discover additional info on Disqus alternative.

Last Updated on: December 12th, 2019 at 10:00 am, by

Written by Patrick Moreau