Aluminum foil recycle tips by

Posted On Jul 15 2020

Aluminum recycling info from How Many Times the Same Piece of Aluminum Can Be Recycled: There is no limit to how many times aluminum can be recycled. That’s why recycling aluminum is such a boon for the environment. Aluminum is considered a sustainable metal, which means it can be recycled again and again with no loss of material. It has never been cheaper, faster or more energy-efficient to recycle aluminum than it is today. Aluminum cans are 100% recyclable, making them the most recyclable (and valuable) of all materials. The aluminum can you toss into your recycling bin today will be completely recycled and back on the store shelf in just 60 days.

Some Pyrex dishes come with plastic lids for covering up pans of brownies or lasagnas. You can also use leftover containers from cottage cheese, sour cream and other food products for storage. When it comes to choosing between aluminum foil and cling wrap, I always choose aluminum foil because it is easier to reuse when I am ready to put my pan away. Cling wrap is impossible to recycle, so aluminum foil is definitely a better bet if you live somewhere where it can be recycled.

What about aluminum pie plates and trays? If your local recycling program accepts aluminum foil, it will most often accept other aluminum food storage products. You’ll want to make sure these items are rinsed first, though. How is aluminum foil recycled? First, aluminum of all types must be separated from steel using an eddy current in a materials recovery facility. The aluminum is crushed and baled, then sent to a metal recycler. At this point, the aluminum is cleaned and melted into sheets of aluminum, where it can be manufactured into aluminum cans or foil products. Find additional information on is tin foil recyclable.

Before you put your foil in the recycling bin, make sure your local recycling program accepts it; not all of them do. Incidentally, usually if foil is accepted, disposable aluminum baking pans also will be. Just be sure to only recycle aluminum foil that is clean, even if it means rinsing it off first. (And as long as you’re cleaning it, you might as well reuse it a couple of times first!)

Recycling Aluminum Makes Use of a Valuable Commodity! According to the International Aluminum Institute, aluminum is infinitely recyclable. Of the 1 billion tons of aluminum ever produced, about 75 percent of that is still in use. Aluminum cans are by far the most valuable items in the municipal waste stream — the value of the recovered aluminum in 2011 more than covers the cost of collection and processing . Because of this, recycling aluminum cans helps to subsidize the collection of a wide variety of other recyclable materials. Discover more info on

Last Updated on: July 22nd, 2020 at 12:25 pm, by

Written by Patrick Moreau