Office movers

Posted On Nov 9 2019

I always suggest going around your home and taking photos of your valuables and breakables before they get packed up. If for any reason things get broken, damaged or lost during the moving process, at least you have a record of them. (Just quick snaps on the camera on your mobile phone will be good enough). TIP – It’s worth doing this anyway for things in your house, as it can help with insurance claims if you get burgled or there’s a fire etc.. – I use the home inventory in my Home File for this. I am not an advocate of off site storage, as it usually ends up costing money to store all the things we really don’t need – but when it comes to moving house there is good reason to use it under certain circumstances. Often we want to do work on our new house pretty soon after moving in. If this is the case with you, then why not consider moving some furniture etc.. into storage to make redecorating / re-carpeting etc.. easier? You could use a storage company**, or your removals company can often store your items for you on a rolling monthly basis, which can ease the strain of having to move everything around to accommodate trades people etc.

It’s always worth setting up mail forwarding from your old address, and I advise doing this for 1 year. Remember you are not limited to colors, shapes or themes. But it can be fun to get food stickers for the kitchen, pet stickers for your pets things, flowers or frilly ones for the girls and trucks or sports for the boys. Keep in mind this is supposed to be a fun way to get the kids involved and keep them interested in their move. Have them place the stickers in the same area on each box in a visible area so that when moving day arrives it is easy for the movers to see. You will be amazed at how quickly this will help your move go if all boxes are clearly labeled and ready to go. If you have time you can have them create their labels out of construction or colored paper.

If the rental agency doesn’t provide an estimate of what the trucks can hold in terms of equivalent spaces as in the list above, you can guess using this general guide: one room = 3 cubic feet of truck space. Again, this is just an estimate, and you should always err on the side of caution and rent a slightly larger truck than your estimate. Before you reserve your moving truck, you need to explore truck size options available. For example, through U-Haul, you can rent a 10-foot truck, which the company states that it is suitable for a studio or one-bedroom apartment. The most substantial truck offered by U-Haul is a 26-foot truck, which may be ideal for a three to a four-bedroom house. There are multiple truck sizes in between these two extremes, and there are also trailer options available that may be suitable for towing behind your vehicle.

For our readers that speak german :

Alle Mitarbeiter verfugen uber eine langjahrige Erfahrung, wodurch Ihnen ein hervorragender Service garantiert ist. Wenn auch Sie sich fur ein Reinigungsunternehmen entscheiden, dann konnen Sie nicht nur von einer sauberen Wohnung profitieren, sondern konnen Sie sich dadurch auch einiges an Zeit ersparen. Bei uns finden Sie zahlreiche gratis Offerten, bei welchen Sie sich unverbindlich ein Angebot uber unterschiedliche Reinigungsfirmen in der Schweiz einholen konnen. Sie mussen sich auch absolut keine Gedanken uber die verschiedensten Putzgerate und Reinigungsmittel machen, denn all dies ubernimmt ebenfalls das Reinigungsunternehmen. Lesen Sie mehr auf

Man muss einen gemeinsamen Nenner finden, was Preise und Leistungen betrifft. Leider kann man nicht das beste Angebot fur sich finden, wenn man nur einen Dienstleister anfragt. Haufig ist man dann auf nur ein Angebot und dessen reibungslose Abwicklung angewiesen. Wir kennen diese Probleme nur zu gut, da wir selbst als Umzugsunternehmen angefangen haben. Irgendwann entstand daraus die Idee, ein Umzugsportal ins Leben zu rufen, das es beiden Parteien leichter machen soll, einen Auftrag zur Zufriedenheit beider abzuwickeln. Und das mit einfachen Mitteln, ganz fair und kostengunstig. Und der Erfolg unserer Umzugsborse gibt uns Recht!

Last Updated on: November 10th, 2019 at 8:13 am, by

Written by Amelia Whitehart