The climb of a day trading strategist : Candace Pendleton

Posted On Jul 24 2022

Candace Pendleton and the climb of a commodity trading expert? Frustrated with the high-priced, over-hyped trading educators, I made two decisions: 1) Never buy another high-priced course 2) Create my own DANG trading system The hope soon turned into disappointments. I lost more money than I ever made. So, I combined everything I had learned and created a simple trading system. When I applied this new trading compilation to my own charts, I started hitting “home runs”. Even after testing this for thousands of chart hours, I couldn’t believe that something can be so incredibly accurate.

Candace Pendleton is a prolific trader and mentor with over two decades of experience day trading the futures market. Using her system and coaching, thousands of people trade profitably and achieve financial freedom. She founded 123EasyTrade in 2010 and Commodities University in 2015. Hello Candace, I hope you enjoyed your vacations and are back more refresh to continue with your mission of teaching the art of trading futures. As I meditate on the abundance of blessings in my life, first I thank my Lord for sending or putting you in my life. I give Him thanks for all the talents he has given you, so you can help people like me. Today I made $4,965.00 in 3 hours. With great gratitude to God and you, Marta.

For the average investor, day trading can be a daunting proposition because of the number of risks involved. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) highlights some of the risks of day trading, which are summarized below: Be prepared to suffer severe financial losses: Day traders typically suffer severe financial losses in their first months of trading, and many never make a profit. Day trading is an extremely stressful full-time job: Watching dozens of ticker quotes and price fluctuations to spot fleeting market trends demands great concentration. Day traders depend heavily on borrowing money: Day-trading strategies use the leverage of borrowed money to make profits. Many day traders not only lose all of their own money, they wind up in debt. Don’t believe claims of easy profits: Watch out for hot tips and expert advice from newsletters and websites catering to day traders and remember that educational seminars and classes about day trading may not be objective.

Keep in mind that there’s plenty more to learn once you have successfully completed our trading education course. You can easily register as a member of our trading education website. Here you will receive access to numerous free trading education materials, such as quizzes, articles and insights and become part of a vast network of like-minded individuals who can also help you on your quest to learn how to effectively trade. Last but not least, our 1-2-1 trading education is now offered not just face-to-face but also online via webinars, allowing you to take part from wherever you are. All of the trading course materials will be recorded for your future convenience, allowing you to re-visit and refresh your knowledge later on.

Hi Candace, I made my first live trade on March 31st. I was getting tired of seeing the inactivity fee coming out of my account every month, so I determined to take a trade in a slow market that I could pop in and out of without a lot of risk. I found this Roberto and though it was close to support, I thought it might also hit support before bouncing back so I pulled the trigger…live!!!! It worked in just a few seconds and I trapped it as soon as I had some green. It was one contract and I made 9 ticks. It was very empowering to realize that I had just made some real money! I had been so hesitant to get in live because my account is so small…and getting smaller with the inactivity fees…but I was getting between the rock and hard place. I had to do something while I still had margin to work with.

Why Day Trading Is Controversial? The profit potential of day trading is an oft-debated topic on Wall Street. Internet day-trading scams have lured amateurs by promising enormous returns in a short period of time. Some people day-trade without sufficient knowledge. But there are day traders who make a successful living despite—or perhaps because of—the risks. Many professional money managers and financial advisors shy away from day trading. They argue that, in most cases, the reward does not justify the risk. Moreover, many economists and financial practitioners argue that active trading strategies of any kind tend to underperform a more basic passive index strategy over time especially after fees and taxes are taken into account.

Trading practice shows that in any market and assets (currency pairs, stocks, futures) up to 80% of transactions open on the trend end in profit. And for binary options signals with a predetermined expiration time, the presence of an explicit price direction is mandatory. Let’s start by defining what a trend is: Uptrend or «bullish». Each next price maximum (top) and minimum (trough) is higher than the previous one. Downtrend or «bearish». Each next max/min is lower than the previous one. To simplify the analysis, trend lines are plotted on the chart after at least three max/min. Training courses binary options for newbies recommend opening trades only in the direction of the main trend.

Candace Pendleton or the ascent of a commodity trading expert: Day trading means buying and selling a batch of securities within a day, or even within seconds. It has nothing to do with investing in the traditional sense. It is exploiting the inevitable up-and-down price movements that occur during a trading session. Day trading is most common in the stock markets and on the foreign exchange (forex) where currencies are traded. Day traders are typically well-educated in the minutia of trading and tend to be well funded. Many of them add an additional level of risk by using leverage to increase the size of their stakes.

Last Updated on: August 14th, 2022 at 2:33 pm, by

Written by John Concrane