Study at your own speed with help from Bilingual Audio Books

Posted On Apr 17 2020

Home learning with help from high quality audio books: You can learn and earn: Many students who take online classes are full-time professionals looking to get ahead in their careers. Even if you’re not currently working full-time, distance learning courses offer you a flexible schedule that allows you to learn and work at the same time, and pay your way through college. Forget about geographical boundaries! Since you can complete a distance-learning course from anywhere, you are not bound by geography. You can choose any school that offers the program you want, no matter where it’s located anywhere in the country, or even internationally. Plus, if you ever relocate, you don’t have to worry about transferring to another school.

Consider reading a book you’ve already read or a story that you’re familiar with, but in electronic bilingual format. Doing that eliminates some potential vocabulary or storyline questions. You already have an idea of who the characters are and how the plot progresses, so it’s not a stretch to figure a few things out without having to look at the translated page. But when all else fails-that’s why the books are presented in two languages. Use the translations.

Sidestep unfamiliar dialects or accents, Old English, and old-fashioned literary styles and audio books advantages : You don’t have to look any farther than the success of Dora the Explorer to know that bilingual media is popular with young children. Aside from popularity, bilingual storytelling offers many benefits to kids. The new book, Planting Stories: The Life of Librarian and Storyteller Pura Belpre, tells the story of one of the first champions of bilingual literature. Prime language learning occurs between the ages of 2 and 5.

Even with all the benefits of audiobooks, however, they are not for all students. For some, the pace may be too fast or too slow. For others, the narrator’s voice can be irritating or the use of cassette or CD players can be cumbersome when compared to the flexibility of the book. But the majority of students will find listening to well-narrated, quality literature to be a transformative experience. Varley (2002) states, “If one thing has struck me about the way people describe listening to audiobooks, it is the reported intensity of their absorption and the emotional grip of the experience. ‘They go right to your soul,’ says one listener.” Discover more details at Study from home with BilingualAudioBooks.

Turn the Young Generation from Useless Stuff to Useful Literature. The young generation has become addicted to headphones. They are listening to favorite songs, jokes, TV Shows, etc. which do not give them anything productive except temporary entertainment. Audiobooks are fine temptation to divert their attention and habits. Now, some schools have understood the importance of audiobooks. They have made it compulsory for students to listen to the audiobooks.

Increases word exposure and improves vocabulary. When students are offered the opportunity to have audiobooks in the classroom, their world can finally open up. Having books read aloud helps these struggling readers move beyond the decoding and right into learning. The more words they learn and incorporate into their knowledge-base, the better able they will be to access grade-level materials.

Why a Bilingual AudioBook? The BABook makes learning languages easy, pleasant and interesting. You listen to a sentence or a paragraph in a language, then you listen to the same sentence or paragraph in another language. You learn the easy way, listening to short novels of genres you like. According to the nivel of your students, you choose which language to give them to listen to first: if they are well advanced, play the language they are learning first, and the recording in their mother tongue allows them to check their understanding. For the beginners (or students who are moderately dedicated to their studies!) better to play their mother tongue first. Read additional information on this website.

Last Updated on: April 25th, 2020 at 3:05 pm, by

Written by John Concrane