Colorado Springs roofing repair firm

Posted On Sep 29 2019

While running through your roof maintenance checklist, make sure you check out your chimney for cracks or missing mortar. Structural damage of any size can cause bricks to start falling out, which can damage your roof, let alone cause your chimney to collapse. You can either hire a contractor to patch up any mortar cracks, or break out a trowel and do it yourself. A sloping or leaning chimney can be caused by issues with your home’s foundation as well. If you notice your chimney has moved, call a contractor to have it fixed right away and check the rest of your home for signs of foundation problems.

First important thing is to maintain your roof properly. “Being misinformed about your home policy can be an extremely expensive mistake — especially when a few inches of water in a 1,000 square-foot home can easily cost over $10,000 in repairs,” said Laura Adams, senior insurance analyst at insuranceQuotes. Double-checking your policy may not seem like an obvious roof maintenance tip, but it can definitely help you know what to prepare for in the future.

Lets talk about Professional roofers in Colorado Springs. There are many things you can do to prolong the life of your roofing material and prevent leaks, additional damage or even the dreaded replacement. By inspecting your roof twice yearly (and after every storm), you can easily prevent some of the top 10 most common roofing problems. Use a pair of binoculars to conduct this twice yearly exam, because even walking on your roof can cause damage. If you must get on the roof, wear rubber-soled shoes, brace the ladder, and be very careful not to slip and fall.

An important part of roof maintenance is the routine cleaning, clearing and tidying of the roof and its related systems. Pay attention not only to shingles and flashing but other key components, such as eavestroughs, down spouts, installations (such as skylights, vents, chimneys, solar panels), and ventilation. Here’s what we recommend: Working from the ground, homeowners should where possible regularly clear debris from the roof, including leaves, branches, and other items that may be cluttering the surface. Your roofer may use a leaf blower to do this, being sure to blow the air down the roof (so he’s not blowing debris up and underneath the shingles). To reduce the amount of debris that gathers, cut away vegetation that may be hanging over the roof. (Hire a contractor to cut away difficult or hard to reach areas.)

Yes, that big tree that hangs over your house is perfect for summer shade and looks lovely in the fall, but come wintertime, it can pose a deadly threat. If it refuses to drop its leaves in a timely manner, the branches can weigh down with ice and snow, even cracking—slamming into your roof below. Branches that impact your roof can be devastating to the shingles, and if you don’t repair it right away, snow can seep in through cracks, and homeowners know what happens when moisture gets a hold of their home’s internal structure. Do yourself a favor and before winter rolls around, hire a professional tree service company to remove the branches that are close to your home, you and your roof won’t regret it. Read more info at Roofing services in Colorado Springs.

Last Updated on: October 4th, 2019 at 2:26 pm, by

Written by Amelia Whitehart