Advices for branding

Posted On Nov 1 2019

Looking for Recommendations for product design & development ? As a product designer, you need to focus on function over features. It is easy for a great product to get bogged down with too many bells and whistles. As a designer, you may be thrilled at how versatile your design is. But sometimes people don’t want a clever device — they want something that just works. The more features there are, the less intuitive and simple a product becomes. Sometimes a screwdriver is better than a swiss-army knife. Think about the purpose of your product. What is your mission statement? What is your mandate as a designer? Take inspiration from these simple products that made millions of dollars.

Entrepreneur Brian Dean recommends to that product developers apply the skyscraper technique. Dean advises entrepreneurs to evaluate their competitors and identify their best products. Then go back to your product and see how you can make it better than theirs. Does it do something extra? Does it fill more needs than your competitor’s product can? If not, keep working at it. To release a product someone else is already selling and marketing well is a never-ending, uphill battle. You have to improve on that idea and offer consumers not only another option, but a better option. Don’t stick to the status quo. Instead, remember the sky is the limit. See extra details on Launching a business.

Remain flexible. Obviously, consistency is key when it comes to branding. But so is flexibility. If something isn’t working for your brand, you need to be willing to change it—and when your brand grows and evolves, your branding needs to grow and evolve too. If your brand isn’t resonating with your customers, remember it’s ok to iterate. If your audience doesn’t respond to a certain font or brand voice, try something new. Keep experimenting until you have a brand that’s performing and engaging with the right people in a way that will boost your growth for years to come.

Start-Up tip of the day : Carry on planning: Once you’ve done a bit of doing, go ahead and go back to planning. Constantly re-evaluating your business and the direction it’s going in can help you find opportunities for growth. Anticipate the future: Nobody can know for sure what tomorrow will bring, but if you keep yourself informed and learn how to spot upcoming trends, you’ll be much more likely to successfully predict the future. Source:

Last Updated on: November 10th, 2019 at 1:04 pm, by

Written by Patrick Moreau