Driving lessons in Dublin, Ireland by Anewdriver

Posted On Oct 11 2020

Top driving instructors in Ireland? Reduce your speed. Drivers often think the speed limit is the minimum speed you can travel. While you may feel pressured to accelerate beyond the speed limit on a clear, sunny day, it would not be wise to do the same when conditions are less-than-desirable. Speed limits are set for a reason, and adhering to them when roads are wet is the best way to reduce your risk. In fact, it would be even better for you to travel under the speed limit on rainy days, just to be safe.

Though of course we all hope to avoid accidents or breakdowns, you still need to be prepared at all times. Make sure you carry your insurance information with you whenever you drive and have any necessary phone numbers for tow trucks or whatever you may need on hand. Also be sure to keep emergency supplies, including jumper cables and a spare tire, in the car at all times. Just don’t forget that the choices you make when you’re behind the wheel can have big consequences. Always be prepared, whether that’s for a rain storm or a fender bender, and don’t let your emotions get the better of you. A calm, focused driver is a safe driver.

If you need to make an emergency call, make sure that you pull over to a parking lot, or at least the side of the road, before you use your cell phone. Pay attention to all traffic signs: This is something that many drivers get out of the habit of doing, and they end up speeding or going the wrong way on one-way streets. If you are paying attention to all road signs, you will know what the posted speed limit is, and you can stay within it, which is a big part of defensive driving. Whatever you do, don’t follow what the driver ahead of you is doing. After all, he or she may not be following the rules of the road, and you will not be either, which can lead to an accident pretty quickly. Make sure that you obey all traffic lights as well. One wrong turn at a signal light could end up in a really bad accident. Read more info on driving school Dublin.

Don’t play music too loud. It might not sound like much fun – but turn the music down when you drive. Loud music is very distracting, and you may not hear horns or other things that can alert you to danger. Don’t mess about with maps. Know where you are going before you start and don’t drive along with a map in front of you. The same is true of modern GPS devices. They can help you find your way, but they can also be very distracting.

If your mirrors aren’t adjusted correctly, a blind spot appears. A blind spot is a part of the road that you can’t see, so you may miss a car traveling in an adjacent traffic lane. In order to eliminate blind spots, adjust your side-view mirrors so that you can’t see your car in them. To check if there is a blind spot, drive past another parked car in reverse, looking in your side-view mirror. As soon as it’s out of the picture, you should see it with your peripheral vision. The rear-view mirror must be adjusted so that you can see the back window of your car entirely. When adjusting the mirrors, you should be in your normal driving position. Find more information at https://www.anewdriver.ie/.

Last Updated on: October 25th, 2020 at 4:22 pm, by

Written by Patrick Moreau