Lawyers when tackling personal injury issues in Florida, USA with Bengal Law

Posted On Jul 25 2020

Find accident attorneys in Florida? When is a Driver Negligent and Liable for Damages in a Car Accident? While every car accident is unique, here are some common scenarios in which a driver in Florida might be negligent and liable for the damages caused: Violating the traffic code: A driver who causes an accident by violating the traffic code will likely be liable for the damages caused by the accident. In fact, this is the most common causes of car accidents. Violations of the traffic code that regularly result in car accidents include drivers who ignore traffic lights and drivers who are speeding. Impaired Driving: Sadly, alcohol-related crashes are still fairly common in Florida. According to the Florida Department of Transportation, 5,223 crashes were caused by drivers impaired by alcohol, which in Florida means that the driver has a Blood Alcohol Level (or BAC) over 0.08.

In putting together your settlement demand letter, you figured out a range of what you believe your claim is worth. Before you speak to an adjuster about your demand, decide on a minimum settlement figure within that range that you would accept. This figure is for your own information, not something you would reveal to the adjuster. But once the figures and discussions start going back and forth, it helps if you already have your bottom line in mind. That way, you don’t have to make a snap decision if an adjuster makes you a take-it-or-leave-it offer on the phone. You will know whether it meets your minimum level or not. However, you do not have to cling to the figure you originally set for yourself. If an adjuster points out some facts you had not considered but which clearly make your claim weaker, you may have to lower your minimum figure somewhat. And if the adjuster starts with a low settlement offer or a number at or near your minimum — or if you discover evidence that makes your claim stronger — you may want to revise your minimum upward.

Insurance company private investigators have been known to carry concealed tape recorders to interview claimants and their friends or acquaintances. You should never discuss your case with anyone other than your attorney and your treating doctors or therapists. It is extremely important that you advise your attorney of any PRIOR ACCIDENTS, PRE-EXISTING INJURIES or PRE ACCIDENT PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS. Many good cases are compromised or lost because the injured person forgets or conceals previous injuries or history of physical complaints from his or her own attorney.

Once the claims process gets underway, you will likely receive a call from the at-fault party’s insurance company. They will ask you to make a recorded statement. They may even tell you that this is a normal part of the process or that it’s necessary to process your claim. You are NOT obligated to provide any statement. In fact, the insurance company can (and will) use anything you say as a reason to minimize your personal injury claim value or deny your claim outright.

If you or a loved one were injured by the negligence of a semi truck driver, then an Orlando truck accident may be able to help you recover for your damages. Under Section 95.11 of the Florida Code, a person injured in a truck accident will have four years from the date of the accident to file a negligence lawsuit against the truck driver or their trucking company. More urgently, some of the evidence required to prove negligence can dissipate over time. To ensure you have the strongest case possible, contact us at 407-315-8000. Bengal Law: Florida Accident Lawyers and Personal Injury Attorneys PLLC. Find additional information on Bengal Law: Florida Accident Lawyers & Personal Injury Attorneys PLLC.

Part of getting maximum compensation means convincing the other side you have a strong case. When you get an insufficient settlement offer, you can respond by explaining to the other side why it’s unacceptable, with documentation that reinforces your assertions. This settlement rejection can show them that you’re committed to getting the compensation you deserve and that you have a strong case under US law. An attorney can help you handle all of the considerations related to rejecting a settlement offer, and providing documentation on why it’s considered inadequate.

Last Updated on: August 23rd, 2020 at 8:53 am, by

Written by Marian Vasilescu