Best rated flow meter measuring devices provider

Posted On Feb 4 2024

Flow meter device supplier factory today: Continuous measurement: continuous measurement of the liquid level changes, can realize the continuous measurement of the instrument has a level meter or level transmitter; level measurement: detect whether the liquid level reaches the upper limit, lower limit and so on a particular position is called level measurement, can realize the level measurement of the instrument has a level switch. In water treatment, the use of liquid level of the upper, middle and lower level to control the lifting pump on or off and level alarm. The development of science and technology to today, has produced countless kinds of liquid level measurement methods, from the ancient scale, the development of modern ultrasonic, radar measuring instrument. Liquid level measurement technology has also experienced a qualitative leap, the measurement of liquid level instrumentation is also a lot, do you know what are there? Read more details on flow meter manufacturer.

Advanced Radar Level Measurement: The constant progress of innovation continues to push the limits of radar level measurement, propelling this technology into areas of capability and pertinence. As industries undergo transformations and integrate the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) into their operational processes radar devices have evolved to meet these changing demands. Integration with IIoT- Leading the Way to Industry 4.0 One of the transformative developments in radar level measurement is the seamless integration of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) capabilities into radar devices. These radar sensors equipped with IIoT features have become important components in Industry 4.0 initiatives ushering in an era where data driven excellence prevails in operations.

Power supply and output signal, the power supply has 220 V A C, 24 VDC, and the two-wire or four-wire system can be selected according to the needs. Output signal 4 ~ 20 mA DC or digital signal, select the appropriate model according to the needs. The above are all factors that need to be considered when selecting a radar level transmitter. The essence of the details is a serious attitude and a scientific spirit. I hope that every user can choose a suitable radar level meter.

So what are the installation technical requirements for radar water level meters? The installation of the radar water level meter must be vertical to the object to be measured; there should be no obstructions between the measured object and the radar water level meter, otherwise it will affect the reflection of radar waves, that is, affect the measurement accuracy; the center of the radar water level meter is far from the shore of the water body. The distance must be greater than the radius of the transmitting beam, otherwise the measurement accuracy will also be affected; the installation cantilever bracket of the radar water level meter must be firm, and cannot be shaken up and down; in order to protect the radar water level meter, the water level meter can be installed on the cantilever bracket. Iron box, put the radar water level meter probe.

For more accurate measurement in deaerators, magnetrol guided wave radar (GWR) is a preferred option. Since its performance and accuracy are not contingent on the specific gravity and/or inference, it can provide reliable measurements in all situations, including the difficult and turbulent process conditions of deaerators and feedwater heaters. In addition, GWR does not require external inputs or calibration to achieve specified performance. This effectively eliminates the introduction of errors during the calibration process or from external sources, i.e., pressure and temperature. With this high level of accuracy, operators can trust that their deaerators will be well controlled.

In the process of cement production, material level detection and material level alarm control play an important role from mining and crushing to storage and packing of finished cement. But because of the complex working conditions of cement plant, radar level meter has no small difficulty in measuring. Today, I would like to talk with you about specific difficulties and solutions. First cement plant material for measurement in the dust under the condition of particularly large, especially some pneumatic feed bin, involves the kinds of materials, material particle size is differ, dielectric constant is different also, such as broken limestone, raw meal, clinker, fly ash, coal, cement, the level of the bunker, it is very difficult to accurately measure Especially fly ash bin with low dielectric constant.

KAIDI level transmitter manufacturer is dedicated in providing complete customized solutions for a wide range of industrial automation process applications – in material level, liquid flow, pressure and temperature. We are constantly developing and innovating, our core vision – “to provide solutions that exceed customers’ expectations. In 2012, the company successfully expanded its operations both locally and internationally, achieving global success and recognition for quality fork type level switch, magnetic level gauge products and services. See additional information on OEM Service-can be customized according to the application of customer,such as level gauge,level switch and level indicator.

In the measurement circuit of the radar level gauge, when there is additional DC current and voltage, it is DC interference. In severe cases, the measuring instrument will not work properly. The sources of DC interference are as follows: AC interference can be divided into line-to-line interference and ground interference. Inter-line interference refers to the AC voltage between the output ends of the radar level gauge (compensation line) under external influence. This interference is also known as lateral, common mode or common mode interference. Generally speaking, the line-to-line interference voltage can reach several millivolts or even tens of millivolts.

For the continuous measurement of corrosive, high viscosity, flammable and toxic liquids, liquid-liquid interface and solid-liquid interface that are difficult to measure by ordinary liquid level meter , ultrasonic level meter should be selected, but should not be used in occasions with large liquid level fluctuations . Ultrasonic level meter are suitable for measuring media that can fully reflect and transmit sound waves, but should not be used in vacuum. The ultrasonic flow meter should not be used in process equipment where internal obstacles affect the propagation of sound waves.

Product features: Large display range, wide range of use, suitable for low temperature, medium temperature, high pressure occasions. It can be matched with remote transmitter output 4-20MADC standard signal to realize remote display of liquid level guage. It can also be matched with liquid level switch to realize liquid level control. Generally speaking, the material level feedback is inaccurate and untimely, which is very prone to explosion events, and there is a greater safety risk. Therefore, the requirements for the radar level meter are very high, but the radar level meter often has abnormal material level jumps or falls, or even crashes, resulting in large errors in material level measurement, which brings trouble to production and sales.

Last Updated on: February 25th, 2024 at 12:21 pm, by

Written by Marian Vasilescu