Wish Promo Code Free Shipping 2019
Posted On Jul 24 2018According to Microsoft, a promotional code, sometimes known as coupon code or discount code, is made up of a combination of numbers and letters. It’s used for specific purposes, such as a holiday marketing campaign. What are the different types of promotional codes? There are three different types of promotional codes store owners can choose from. Public codes – Anyone can see or use a public promo code. These are useful for enticing new customers and encouraging previous shoppers to come back for more. Private codes – Stores use private codes to target a specific group of people. Commonly provided …

WordPress migration guide and service
Posted On Jul 10 2018The process of transferring your website from a) one web host to another or b) its existing platform to another one is referred to as “migrating” your site. For instance, moving your site from GoDaddy to Hostgator is one example of migrating your web host. Moving your site from Joomla to WordPress is an example of migrating platforms. There’s only one thing worse than a slow website, and that’s having one that refuses to work at all. If visitors are coming to your website only to be greeted with an error page, some of them may never return. Prolonged downtime …